Yeah, we are back in Utah.
We were warmly welcomed by the friends, and brutally, coldly welcomed by the weather.
The day after our arrival we got 6 inches of snow, another 3 inches the next day, and then this week 2 more snow storms. Other than that we are doing fine.
Capri & I look forward to another assignment in the spring at Bethel, if all goes well.
We have settled back into our Condo, but with the attitude of Abraham, who lived in tents as temporary residents. We still have our home up for sale, and know that when the time is right Jehovah will see to it that it sells, and we can be free to go wherever we might be used.
We are confident that Jehovah knows our circumstances even better than we ourselves, and in his due time he will make sure that his will for us will manifest itself.
So Patiently, and Prayerfully, we will be busy in our assgnment here. We love the friends in the Magna congregation and enjoy working with them shoulder-to-shoulder.
We are enjoying this new arrangement that has begun this January, with our meetings. especially with the new arrangement for "Family Worship". Capri & I began last week and really enjoyed begginging the 'Proclaimers' book, and looking up in the 'Insight from the Scriptures' different Bible Characters and learning more about them. We are also reading 'Life Stories' of our faithful brothers & sisters beginning with members of the Governing Body, past and present, and their wives. The evening ends up to be encouraging and faith-strenthening, which lasts between 2 and 3 hours.... It's Great!!!
Please share with us what you are doing.
Thanks, Vince & Capri