Monday, October 27, 2008

Hello from World Headquarters!
Here are some recent news items that we would like to share with you.
At morning worship, Jeffrey Jackson of the Governing Body, gave a report about our brothers in Texas, after Hurricane Ike.
No fatalities, 22 Kingdom Halls were damaged, 1740 homes damaged, with 15 totally destroyed.
Dallas was the first to respond, brothers brought 300 tons of supplies. A major oil company donated 45 generators, and two truckloads of food. they brought these to the witnesses because they knew that we would not turn around and sell these for a profit.

This evening, Monday, after Family Watchtower Study, we had the privilege of hearing the introductions of the 126th class of Gilead.
Brother William Malanfant introduced each couple, there are 28 of them from 6 different countries. Average age - 32, Average years in the truth - 17, average years in full-time service - 13.
We are looking forward to meeting some of them as they will be touring Brooklyn on Friday.

As each couple is introduced, they share some background information about themselves, for example, how they came into the truth, the goal to serve as missionaries and the obstacles, trials, negative thinking, etc... they experienced in reaching their goal. Some were raised around the truth, others came into the truth later, some have broken families, raised in single-parent households, and divided families. Others have disfellowshipped or inactive parent or siblings.

For example; one brother was raised in Christian home, however as he explained it, his parents fought the entire time he was at home. Abusive speech, throwing things at one another, black-eyes and the like were common occurrences. through all of this his mother remained with him. His father became inactive for several years. He left home, and after a while things improved. After some 20 years , his father is now reactivated, and for the first time since he was a young boy he recently had the privilege of going out in field service with his father. And now he & his wife have the awesome privilege of attending Gilead.

We miss you all, and look forward to sharing many more experiences with you,
Phi-li-a, Vince & Capri

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We graduated!
Capri & I finished our 1-week orientation. This is the same orientation given to new Bethel-ites. They waited until now because at the time of our arrival we were the only ones that came in. The orientation class consisted of two young regular pioneer brothers @ 2o years old, another couple our age, (young) and two new brides, 8 total.
Beginning last Friday @ 8:00 a.m. we started w/ Registration/Orientation.
We concluded our 1st day with a tour of the Office Complex, which is quite different from any tour that is given to visitors since the tour was to familiarize us with everything that is available to us as new members. This includes Chiropractic services, exercise programs (including a trainer if requested), and much more.
And the tour was given by 'Buzz Lightyear', no kidding! The brother looks exactly like Buzz Lightyear.
On Saturday we received 'Dining Room' training, where we learned how to set-up the dining tables, plates, silverware, serving dishes etc. This included filling salt & pepper shakers, sugar, napkins, cleaning & polishing them...whew!
After a busy weekend which included our 'Special Assembly Day' on Monday we continued orientation @ 8:00 to begin 'Room Care Training' which would last three mornings til 11:45. We were taught how to thoroughly clean a Bethel room from top to bottom. Each morning we were expected to clean, sanitize, make beds, dust etc... under the direction of the housekeepers. Each of us were assigned to a particular sister and are now expected to maintain the high standards of Bethel with regards cleaning.
On Monday afternoon we listened to lectures, first from the Legal Dept. then from the Treasures Office, and followed by Medical Orientation.
On Tuesday afternoon we had Laundry & Dry Cleaning orientation, followed by a tour of 117 Adams /90 Sands.
Wednesday morning was our final day of 'Room Care Training', then in the afternoon was a 4-hour lecture by the Home Overseer, Alfred Silva.
Brother Silva is our 'table head' so it was very nice for Capri & I since we have already spent allot of time together w/ he and his wife, Evangelina.
Thursday morning we went back to the "Infirmary' for two last videos and we signed up for an exercise program.
The 'Special Assembly Day' program is the one you all will be attending in Richfield in the spring. Our Bethel speaker was Guy Pierce of the Governing Body. Before the program we got to have a nice conversation with he and his wife, Penny. We found out that he was introduced to the truth in "Price, Utah", in fact both sides of his family are LDS.
Also, to our surprise we saw familiar faces at the SAD, brother & sister Tackett from the City Creek congregation! They are here visiting/touring with a group from Utah.
I was able to give my first talk in the congregation this week the Speech Quality talk, and Capri has her first student talk in a few weeks.
We have the visit of the Circuit Overseer next month and so look forward to staying busy. The friends have welcomed us with open arms and have made us a part of their family.
As far as work is concerned, we worked in the Bossart today installing carpet in a room damaged by one of the worldly tenants. He let the toilet to overflow in his room, got up in the middle of the night, only to ignore it and go back to bed. He lived on the 5th floor, and the damage went all the way down to the basement! The place was filthy, animals would not live there.
It's amazing since the brothers offer room care the same as what is given to all Bethel rooms.
We Love you, Vince & Capri

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Annual Meeting was in some ways historic, that is what was said @ morning worship this week.
One reason for this; the entire 9 members of the 'Governing Body' had a share, which to memory has never been done before. Also, the three eldest members of the GB were interviewed, brothers, Barr, Jaracz, and Lousch... again a first.
The Yeartext for 2009' is taken from Acts 20:24;
"Bear Thorough Witness To The Good News".
Brother Guy Pearce of the governing body presented this talk, he explained that while some may believe that we are in a 'gleaning work' this is not true! Rather, we are in the heat of preaching work, it is the hallmark of Jehovah's Witnesses. Never look at the preaching work as a burden, Jehovah asks us to talk, which is natural for humans, and what better subject to talk to others about.
Brother Stephen Lett of the Governing body presented the talk; "Will Your Family Survive Armageddon?
Each father/husband, should ask: "will members of my family, my mate, children, survive? The answer: only if they are spiritually alive. While there are a number of elements that contribute to this a key element is maintaining an evening of family worship. This was a key reason for the decision for the adjustment in combining the book-study, tms, and service meeting.
In fact the Governing Body has deliberated on this for several years now. It is expected that each family, couple or single publisher will use the night for worship, be it family or personal.
This is not new, since the Israelites, Noah's family, Rahab's family, all did this.
Consider too, that while we must take care of our families physical needs, providing spiritually is vital. Jesus Christ was raised in such a household. Jehovah could have placed Jesus in a wealthy home if he wanted to, but he didn't, instead he chose a poor family to raise his perfect son. This is a sobering thought for families to consider.
At the request of the Governing Body, the talk entitled; "The Faithful & Discreet Slave and its Governing Body", presented by David Splane a member of the Governing Body".
Brother Jeffrey Jackson a member of the Governing Body interviewed Brother Barr, Jaracz, and brother Garrett Lousch. Combined they have 185 years of dedicated service.
Brother Jaracz served as the 'Company Servant' at 17 years of age, while brother Loucsh is the only one in his family in the truth. Brother Barr had the goal of attending Gilead but because of having the flu twice in two years was turned down, to which he said he was crushed, since all his friends were accepted. Brother Jackson mentioned that Brother Barr has visited 54 countries during his career in the Zone work... not bad for a 'Shy Boy', which is how he describes himself.

One other point impressed me in the concluding comments by brother Heard; consider the 'invisible' part of Jehovah's organization, we see the visible part, but remember this, the 'invisible' part is much larger!
He read 2 Chronicles 7:1-3 and said that indeed Jehovah's Glory had filled this house.

We have much more, and will share these with you upon our return,
Love, Vince & Capri.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Greetings All,
They call it the "Annual Meeting Buzz", and a buzz it has been!
Guests arriving from every corner of the earth, coming in for the annual meeting. We have met many, most have been serving Jehovah for decades in various assignments, their gray-headedness reflecting their dedicated service.
At lunch on Thursday we met a sister who is serving in Mozambique as a missionary who is in her late 80's. Graduated from the 18Th class of Gilead she has served loyally with her husband who died nearly 25 years ago. Soon after his death a brother who had admired them, took an interest in our now widowed sister. He being much younger, some 25 years pursued her, but she was not interested, considering the huge age difference. He though was persistent, insisting and not giving up. She then went to a close friend an older sister & dear friend to ask for advice, the advice... "If you don't marry him I will!" They have been happily married for 20 years now.

On Friday evening we were invited to an 'Open Room' (open house), the couple we attend meetings with. The room was filled with pillars, what a treat. We met a couple in their 20's, who have just completed their third year as missionaries in Malawi, and were here for annual meeting & to visit friends & family. Their experience was upbuilding, especially for any pursing extended-service privileges. As regular pioneers they had the goal of going to Gilead and so submitted applications. After about 9 years in his family a number of serious problems shook them up, with his mother leaving the truth, which affected other family members shaking them up spiritually, which brought tremendous stress on them. Affected by all this his health suffered. The right side of his face began to droop, come to find out it was cerebral palsy.
However, they were determined to keep regular pioneering & continue w/ their goal, which they did for an entire year. Finally it took it's toll and they had to stop pioneering but would go back on the list in 1 year. Imagine how they must have felt when just 1 week later of discontinuing pioneering, in the mail was the 'Long-Form' (Gilead App.), which now they no longer qualified for. Discouraged, they called Bethel to ask could they fill it out and submit it? The answer: NO.
After 1 year, they were able to go back on the list as planned, however they knew that now they would have to start all over again, and that it may take years for them to reach their goal, or perhaps not at all.
A brother told them that they shouldn't have to wait, you have the 'Long-Form'! Write the branch, explain your situation, and leave it in Jehovah's hands. 3 months later they were invited to attend Gilead, and are now serving in Malawi!
The lesson, don't give up, never doubt that Jehovah knows and takes a personal interest in each one of us.
Bye, for now, Love, Vince & Capri

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hey everybody!

Capri & I went to our 1st Book Study on Tuesday, and will attend the Theocratic Ministry School & Service Meeting on Thursday. Both meetings begin @7:00 p.m.

A married couple & single Bethelite also attend and they take turns driving to the meetings throughout the week.

We had the privilege of having a couple come to book study w/ us from Hong Kong.
They are originally from Lexington, Kentucky, and have been in Hong Kong for 10 years.

After the book study they shared their field service experiences with all of us. It was awesome!!

They are in an English speaking congregation, in fact the Kingdom Hall that they go to has 7 congregations, all share the Hall. There are meetings from 8:00 in the morning until 8:00 at night. As you can imagine, this presents some challenges for them.

for example; 'elders meetings', going 'questions with unbaptized publishers', 'baptism questions', and even 'judicial meetings' have to be held elsewhere.
They usually hold these meetings at the local parks or even the local McDonalds or KFC...
No one has to be nervous about being called into the back room, (Ha, Ha!) but beware if you're invited to the Park!

Land is so expensive there that it is nearly impossible to afford to build new Kingdom Halls.

All of these congregations are English... they need English-speaking publishers there, which by the way is true all through Europe.

The sister, is a 'Commuter Bethelite', while her husband works full time and works in Mainland China.

They mentioned that during the recent Olympics in China that there were many witness visitors that came through there, and that security became even more strict. Witnesses that tried to bring literature into the country were questioned and their literature confiscated.

So, whenever they could they would remind the visiting witnesses that this would be unwise.

The people whom they witness to in the territory are primarily Godless, and while that may seem challenging they're having great success. You see they don't have to refute false teachings from Christendom. The sister conducts 15 Bible studies! She said that this is very common in the congregation, with 87 Bible studies being conducted in the field.
Most of their witnessing is done in street work, which is where they find English-speaking people. you see, it's the English that are the housekeepers, gardeners and so forth. Since it would be disrespectrul to go to a residence and ask to speak to the help, it is best to find these through informal witnessing.

To help with their income the sister teaches English, the common language spoken there is Cantonese & Japanese. One of the persons that took an interest in the truth was one of her students, to teach she would use magazines & newspapers. However, the sister found out that the lady was interested in the Bible, so the sister asked her would it be okay if she used the publication, "My Book Of Bible Stories" to which she agreed. The next week English lessons were taught out of the publication and during the session many questions were asked and answered.
So here she was conducting a Bible Study & getting paid!
However, her conscience would not allow her to do that again, so she suggested discontinuing the English lessons, but instead having a personal Bible study, to which she agreed... she now attends the meetings regularly.

'We have a busy week here at Bethel, with the Annual Meeting this Saturday, people are coming in from all over the world. We have had the privilege of meeting missionaries, branch members, special pioneers, and traveling overseers from all parts of the globe.

We are thrilled to have this awesome experience, and glad to share it with you!!!

We are told that beginning tommorrow it will really get busy here, as more and more arrive for this special event.

Well, its getting late and we start our day @5:30 am. it's Bed time.

Phi-li-a, Vince & Capri