Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Annual Meeting was in some ways historic, that is what was said @ morning worship this week.
One reason for this; the entire 9 members of the 'Governing Body' had a share, which to memory has never been done before. Also, the three eldest members of the GB were interviewed, brothers, Barr, Jaracz, and Lousch... again a first.
The Yeartext for 2009' is taken from Acts 20:24;
"Bear Thorough Witness To The Good News".
Brother Guy Pearce of the governing body presented this talk, he explained that while some may believe that we are in a 'gleaning work' this is not true! Rather, we are in the heat of preaching work, it is the hallmark of Jehovah's Witnesses. Never look at the preaching work as a burden, Jehovah asks us to talk, which is natural for humans, and what better subject to talk to others about.
Brother Stephen Lett of the Governing body presented the talk; "Will Your Family Survive Armageddon?
Each father/husband, should ask: "will members of my family, my mate, children, survive? The answer: only if they are spiritually alive. While there are a number of elements that contribute to this a key element is maintaining an evening of family worship. This was a key reason for the decision for the adjustment in combining the book-study, tms, and service meeting.
In fact the Governing Body has deliberated on this for several years now. It is expected that each family, couple or single publisher will use the night for worship, be it family or personal.
This is not new, since the Israelites, Noah's family, Rahab's family, all did this.
Consider too, that while we must take care of our families physical needs, providing spiritually is vital. Jesus Christ was raised in such a household. Jehovah could have placed Jesus in a wealthy home if he wanted to, but he didn't, instead he chose a poor family to raise his perfect son. This is a sobering thought for families to consider.
At the request of the Governing Body, the talk entitled; "The Faithful & Discreet Slave and its Governing Body", presented by David Splane a member of the Governing Body".
Brother Jeffrey Jackson a member of the Governing Body interviewed Brother Barr, Jaracz, and brother Garrett Lousch. Combined they have 185 years of dedicated service.
Brother Jaracz served as the 'Company Servant' at 17 years of age, while brother Loucsh is the only one in his family in the truth. Brother Barr had the goal of attending Gilead but because of having the flu twice in two years was turned down, to which he said he was crushed, since all his friends were accepted. Brother Jackson mentioned that Brother Barr has visited 54 countries during his career in the Zone work... not bad for a 'Shy Boy', which is how he describes himself.

One other point impressed me in the concluding comments by brother Heard; consider the 'invisible' part of Jehovah's organization, we see the visible part, but remember this, the 'invisible' part is much larger!
He read 2 Chronicles 7:1-3 and said that indeed Jehovah's Glory had filled this house.

We have much more, and will share these with you upon our return,
Love, Vince & Capri.

1 comment:

starlybees said...

Vince and Capri,
There are so many fascinating things happening there...Thank you for sharing! I almost feel like I am there with you...almost..