Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thank You All... following our blog!
It has been a good run, here at Brooklyn Bethel. Three & a half months has flown by, it's hard to believe we are headed back to Utah to our current assignment there.
We were amazed to here of how many have been interested in and sharing our experience.
Capri & I are looking forward to sharing more with everyone as opportunities arise.

We were contacted by the Bethel Office last week asking us to remain here another 3 months, however our circumstances to do not allow us to accept. We have not yet sold our home and still have to meet our financial obligations, so we will return and wait and see what Jehovah's will is for us.
It was difficult to say no the invitation since these opportunities are rare. We are confident that Jehovah's knows what is best for us and will work things our in harmony with his will.

While we look forward to returning to our assignment in Magna, we will surely miss the brothers & sisters in the Pratt congregation in Brooklyn. The body of elders have been very encouraging to us and have made us feel a part of the congregation. The publishers in Pratt come from a variety of backgrounds and lands, at least 14 different parts of the world. They are a zealous group with many years of faithful service.
They were sad to hear that we would be leaving them, as they had hoped that we would become permanent members of their congregation. We will miss them!

We have been working with another couple from Alabama, Nathan & Christine Ellis, who serve as regular pioneers there. They are here for 4 weeks and have been here for two already.
They are a very nice couple, they have were here about a year ago, we had just missed working with them as we came in about 3 weeks after they had left. They had the opportunity to work in Jamaica a couple of years ago for 5 months for Hurricane relief.
Another Single Sister was here for just 1 week, Patricia Lundt from North Carolina, this was the forth time we have worked with her and she has been here as a 'Temp' worker 13 times now!
It was nice seeing her here again.

We hope to accept another assignment in the future if the opportunity presents itself.
We are posting some new pictures they we would like to share with you.

Once again Thank you all for supporting us in this special assignment that we have been privileged to do.


AAA rillito said...

Jehovah will truly bless you with so many more privileges. You have encouraged us very much. we thank you for sharing. We love you Guys! Love Audrey, Anthony and Anna.

starlybees said...

I cannot believe it has been that long since you left us here in Magna!!! You have been missed terribly, but we know that Jehovah has blessed our congregation in allowing your return to share all of the wonderful blessings and experiences that you have had while at Bethel. I am sad for your loss at time there, but excited for our friends to return home.
We look forward to hearing more when you return... Have a safe trip home, and we will see you soon!! Love you!
The Montoya Family

tndanaya said...

You have been such an encouragement to us and a fine example in brotherly love. We are so excited for your return to the Magna Congregation, and look forward to hear of your many experiences. Send our love and greetings to the Pratt Congregation. Love You both..
The Anaya's